Announcement Bar is Here For Your Information
Style Guide

Design Consistency:
TradePulse Style Guide

This guide provides detailed instructions on how to use colors, fonts, layouts, and other design components consistently across your projects.


This guide provides detailed instructions on how to use colors, fonts, layouts, and other design components consistently across your project.


Discover the core of TradePulse visual identity with a focused color palette: gray for balance, black for sophistication, white for clarity, and orange for energy.



This project utilizes the "Creato Display" font, which is 100% free for both personal and commercial use, ensuring versatility and accessibility in all your design needs.

Creato Display


Heading L
Heading M
Heading S
Heading H1
Heading H2
Heading H3
Heading H4
Heading H5


Normal (16px) Paragraph

Text formatted at 16px offers excellent readability and visual comfort, making it the ideal choice for the main body of your content. This font size strikes a perfect balance between readability and space efficiency, allowing for clear presentation of information without overwhelming the reader. It's well-suited for detailed explanations and narrative content, ensuring that readers can easily engage with the text without strain.

Small (14px) Paragraph

Using 14px for text paragraphs provides a slightly more compact typography option, ideal for secondary texts such as captions, disclaimers, and footnotes. This smaller font size helps differentiate less critical information from the main content, while still maintaining legibility. It's particularly effective in areas where space is limited but clarity cannot be compromised, allowing for a clean, organized presentation of text across various design elements.

Rich Text

Text formatted at 16px offers excellent readability and visual comfort, making it the ideal choice for the main body of your content. This font size strikes a perfect balance between readability and space efficiency, allowing for clear presentation of information without overwhelming the reader. It's well-suited for detailed explanations and narrative content, ensuring that readers can easily engage with the text without strain.


Brand Color Button
Gray Border Button
White Button

Buttons Inversed

Light Gray Button
Black Button


4 Column
3 Column
2 Column


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Announcement Bar is Here For Your Information